Agriculture 4.0 – The IOT Revolution

Google developed "The plant buggy" robot which interprets data from the field while Microsoft launched  "FarmBeats" project to empower farmers with low-cost sensors. The world population which now exceeds 7.9 billion will reach 9.5 billion by 2050. Although the world population suffering from food and nutrition insecurity fell from 15% in 2000 to...

Big Data and the Airline Industry

“One department in which we are heavily investing is the data analytics one” In her speech at ESCP Republique for “Tribune”,  Anne Rigail, current CEO at Air France explained the role of data in the Airline industry. More specifically, she detailed how the company is turning into a pioneer in...

AI as the Third Revolution in Warfare

“War has often played a pivotal role in advancing technology and the Russian and Ukrainian conflict is shaping up to be a key proving ground for artificial intelligence” Recently, AI drones called KUB-BLA manufactured by ZALA Aero were pictured in Russia, testifying of the rise of AI in warfare. On...

Digital Euro Bill Due Early 2023

“A digital euro is a virtual money backed and issued by the European central bank” Officially launched in July 2021 by the European Central Bank (ECB), the project will use a database run by the central bank and government. This database will keep a record of the amount of money...

Telehealth Industry, a $9.5 Billion Reality

“Digital health companies have raised more than $39.9 billion in 2021 of which $9.5 billion solely for the telehealth sector (28% of the VC investments in the digital health sector – up 111% year-on-year)” The pandemic has accelerated the delivery of healthcare online (telemedicine, self-directed services and concierge services), and this...